5 thoughts on “Another update on Buddypress Group Documents http lenasterg…

  1. Just tried plugin, looks good with one issue. BuddyPress has moved into the Settings section and no longer has a separate Menu heading in the admin menus. BP Group Docs creates a BP section in the admin menus that did not exist before.

    That only cosmetic, however it also jumps into a “Network” mode when I go to BP Group Docs setting page and I don’t have multi-site enabled.

    However, it still seems to work.


  2. This plugin is great for one of my BP sites. WP 3.4.1 BP 1.6

    Only issue is that when the Documents tab (sub navigation) under the Admin tab is selected, the tabs from all non-core BP group pages (e.g from the Invite Anyone plugin) disappearin both the group nav and Admin nav.

    Any suggestions highly appreciated!



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