Creating a Embeddable Content Plugin for WordPress


Creating a Embeddable Content Plugin for WordPress. By Sameer Borate

Our goal in this article is to create widget code that a user could insert in their website to display a list of recent posts from the parent website. Of course, this can also be easily accomplished using RSS, but this is just an example to show the technique. In reality, you would use it for more interesting purposes, like sharing popular product images if you are running a WordPress e-commerce website.

How to change the “Documents’ strings at Buddypress Group Documents plugin

A user asked me how he can change the ”..documents..” strings from Buddypress Group Documents plugin into e.x “Files”. This is maybe useful if you have also BuddyPress Docs installed.
In order to accomplish this, you can make use of the /languages/en_US.po file.
Open it with poEdit and add “translations’ in order to replace the strings which contain “documents”, ‘document’ to the desired strings.